Easy To Hurt, Hard To Please

People who are easy to hurt,
They are also hard to please.
You couldn't make them happy,
Even if you got down on your knees.

Their lives are full of turmoil,
And their feelings on a rampage.
Forcing you to mend their petty hurts,
And applying emotional band-aids.

They drain you of all your sympathy,
Drown you in a sea of guilt.
They take the dagger of blame,
And stick it in you to the hilt.

You try to be their Super Hero,
Yet they only see you like a loser.
They cry "ouch" to everything you do,
And call you a Super Bruiser.

You get tired of this "kiddie stuff",
And throw your hands up in despair.
Then when you try to walk away,
They scream out that you don't care.

These people don't care at all,
If you're a Minister who's been ordained,
For they can be so difficult,
They'll leave you Spiritually drained.

These people are so immature,
You'll find them "mind-baffling."
For it's hard to understand them,
While their inner demons are laughing.

They'll throw their lives in the gutter,
Without an ounce of shame.
And rather than face the consequences,
They will hold you to blame.

You'll never be right in their eyesight,
No matter what you do or say.
So since you're so wrong to them,
It's best to just walk away.

Don't let these people take you down,
And turn you into a slob.
Realize you can't change people,
For that's God's job.

Don't let your ego trick you,
Into thinking you're living large.
For in the final analyst,
GOD will show you who's in charge.

So when you're at your wit's end,
For all you can do for them,
Send your urgent prayers upward,
And let God come through for them.

As for your self-preservation,
Let this message strike home.
"You" are the "Best You",
This world has ever known.

Keep these words in your heart,
No matter what anyone say.
"You Are Someone Special",
For God made you that way.

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